Sunday, April 15, 2012

WARHORSE Gets New Look at Mountain View

Since the WARHORSE was born because of Elizabeth, her Uncle Bob, and Mountain View, Liz decided the be kind solutions product line and WARHORSE soaps' popularity had outgrown its shelves.  So, she thought a fitting case would have the WARHORSE pattern that is getting such awesome reviews.  Mr. Thomas, PCHS art teacher, really hit a home rum with our WARHORSE logo. Once again, Carl got to work with Lizzie's request.  The rough pine boards came from George Ruff's local sawmill.  A quick trip on over there, where Aaron offered to get us some wood with less pine knots.  Oh no, we wanted the rough stuff--fits the WARHORSE better.  Carl ripped and framed.  Liz and I just delivered it.  We think the products look great, so great that now Liz wants WARHORSE furniture of her own--she calls it the WARHORSE Primitive Furniture line--"Naturally Aggressive."  Carl replied, "You gotta be kidding!" Probably not making her one, but this is a definite improvement.  I used an old pitchfork to burn the marks in the wood by sticking the prongs in my biofuel burner flame. 

This is an awesome look! Works great too!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

A Good Day

Multiplying Green Onions Gone to Seed-Dry the Bulbs Again


Starting at 7:15 A.M.after a few cups of coffee made from Open Road Coffee beans.  Need to check on the lower garden. Got to pull some weeds.
Raspberry plants growing.  BTW, get out to PCHS and check out what the Agriculture Science Dept. and students have got in the plant sale.  I just picked up 50 tomato plants, jalapeno pepper plants, and thyme, dill, and parsley as well.  Plants are healthy and VERY REASONABLY PRICED.

Potatoes--Yukon Gold and Irish Red. Wire fences to keep deer out of RattleSnake Greenbeans

Crop Circles or Pickling Cucumber Hills?

Coyote tracks or Eddie the Lab?

Eddie's waits for a ride to Grandma's house for lunch..Takes a cookie to bribe him back into the house.

Grandma's barn with barn art by PCHS student for senior project.

1:00 PM. BarnYard Basketball. Nice goal and net. Better barn art.

Water Buffalo at my father's farm.  Turned out to be pets instead of lean table fare.

This was when the they were younger and kinder...
Water Buffalo staring us down.  An interested visitor and several dogs have learned the hard way that these guys aren't always so friendly.  We don't get too close anymore, unless we're on the John Deere.

This young bull prefers his muzzle scratched by my father.

Another old barn...I worked in this barn 30 years ago when this farm was Cotswold's: Saddlebreds and Arabs. It was old then.

9 day old water buffalo

Looks serious...

2:00 P.M.  More basketball.  Swooshing the net.

The Big Dawg of the Barn Yard, like the WARHORSE, naturally aggressive.
Hiding out under a barn and dusting off...

6:30 PM. Berry Picking at the Russells Berry Patch. Getting the first berries off the vines.  Fertilizer used is "Fish Juice" from Bob's 50 gallon barrel.  Cole supplied the fish carcasses for homemade fertilizer. No pesticides.  They ordered some kind of bug to kill spider mites.  Going to freeze them for smoothies and pies after an ice cream sundae. 2 gallons to my mom for strawberry preserves.

 It's 9:30 P.M. and this post of pics is going up.