Saturday, September 17, 2011

Be Kind Getting Out and About Sept. 17 & Oct. 1-2

Be Kind: WARHORSE & PRIMITIVE Soaps Getting Out & About

Sept. 17. Visit the Dark Corner Distillery in downtown Greenville today from 10:00 am until. Great Bluegrass and storytelling about Dark Corner history. See Joe and Roxanne's copper moonshine still. If you like, sample some and take a quart or two home. Be Kind has made the DCD some custom 'SHINE glycerin soap. Lots of local products for sale as well.

Oct. 1 at the Columbus Farm Festival. Be Kind will be downtown Columbus with some biodiesel and soap demonstrations. If you like, you may purchase WARHORSE and PRIMITIVE at the Be Kind Booth. Many fragrances and essential oils available--kudzu, cucumber/cedar, peach pie, lemon/basil, mint, lavender, lemon/orange, musk, citrus wood, chocolate decadence, blackberry and more.

Oct. 2. Be Kind will be with its green partner Mountain View restaurant in Columbus. Mountain View is hosting a Be Kind product introduction from 3:30 pm until everyone has had enough. We will demonstrate how WARHORSE and PRIMITIVE soaps are made. Also, you can see how they are used at Mountain View to clean and and can test them yourself. Products will be available for sale.

WARHORSE Multipurpose Cleaning Soap:
Cleaner is super concentrated--a little goes a long way. No fumes or chemicals. Works on vehicles, boats, leather, fiberglass, tile, laundry stains, wood floors and cabinets, decks, outdoor furniture. Instructions and dilutions on label. WARHORSE's Brown Mule Glycerin Soap and Conditioner cleans and softens leather.

PRIMITIVE Body Soap Ingredients read like a recipe--no sulfates, phosphates, or parabens. Great for bath, shower, soap dispensers, and foaming pumps. Also, can be used to wash the dog as well. Foaming pumps available with 8 & 16 oz bottles.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Dark Corner Distillery: Be Kind Going to Downtown Greenville

Well, you just never know. About 12 years ago, Joe Fenton--former Polk County High School student and Clemson engineering graduate, entrepreneur, and owner of the Dark Corner Distillery, along with his wife Roxanne, who is also a PCHS graduate--sat in my Honors English I class. And I mean sat. What else can you do when you're a student exploring the intricate uses of the semicolon and analyzing Rome and Juliet.

Joe, along with a sea of my blossoming 9th graders, got the new teacher, Mrs Weicker-- a career change for me and an "older" first year teacher. Joe did very well in my class--all the way through his high school career--and I frequently saw him in the hallway, as a senior and key part of clubs, sports, and Student Council. I knew he marched to his own drum--to use a cliche' that I tell my seniors to not use in their college essays.

I recently visited his and his wife's--Roxanne- Dark Corner Distillery in downtown Greenville, just across Main Street from the Hyatt hotel. Joe and Roxanne, along with their business partner, have established the first legal moonshine still in S.C.

My great grandfather made shine and sold it in his country store in Pea Ridge. It's fitting that my biodiesel "still" glycerin and my barrel of soaps journey on down to the DCD (Dark Corner Distillery). Plus, Be Kind is able to continue on with former PCHS student talent. Joe said it was "Divine," and I might agree. Who knew I would be taking advice and "working for" one of my ex students. If you get to the DCD and see Joe, he can tell you a story about ole Weicker and a little bit of trouble...

Well, as I tell my current sea of seniors, young people have so much to offer--creativity, determination, and talent. Joe has all of these traits. The DCD is beautiful and "primitive," with patina walls, a copper moonshine still, and a passion for his "dream." When I went there this past weekend, Joe, Roxanne, and Michael (who is a PCHS graduate, works for DCD, and makes Internet videos and is talented in his own right) all were so excited to show us the moonshine process.

You need to go there for a shot of Appalachia Moonshinin' history. You can see the moonshine process through a wall of glass, and the still is up close and personal. If you wish, 3 shots are legal, and you can purchase moonshine to take home for friends, family, and foes. Joe is well versed in Dark Corner traditional moonshine making and is all about supporting his local community.

I am honored that Dark Corner Distillery has asked Be Kind Solutions to customize some of my glycerin soaps for their store. We are calling the body soap "Shine. A perfect name for DCD soap.

As I just told my current sea of senior English students, "You never know when you will need the help of someone from your past. Always treat others with respect and honesty." I hope my green, glycerin soaps do well in downtown Greenville. After visiting Dark Corner Distillery, I believe Joe's passion and work ethic has created an awesome, unique business. Go see if for yourself and visit their website and read about Joe and Roxanne's Dark Corner story.