Sunday, January 29, 2012

What Makes Us Unique? Answering Some Soap Questions.

Hello and welcome to be kind solutions!

First, let me share a key point: Our products and small, family-owned company are unique. Here's why:

As soon as you see our soaps and cleaners, you will notice how different they look. Our soaps are dark—Appalachian Amber we call it—because the vegetable oils we refine were used at a high temperature during the cooking and biofuel process. And our color may change from dark to light amber, depending on the color of the base oils and essential or fragrance oils we use. Color variation is a normal characteristic of our unique recycling, refining and soap-making process.

Here at be kind we use a proprietary recipe to craft our soaps. Our ingredients are simple, and vegetable glycerin is a kind solution for our naturally aggressive, non-toxic cleaning soap, WARHORSE.Glycerin is well known for its use as a degreaser and for its.

The be kind solutions company and products are founded on innovation, sustainability, recycling, research, transparency, testing, and sharing. Our products are produced from hours of labor--yes, every batch is handcrafted from scratch. My family and I do all the oil collection, glycerin refining, soap crafting, bottling, and labeling. In addition, we have built our processors, distillers, and biofuel burner with recycled parts.

Sharing our cleaning soaps with family, neighbors, farms, local community organizations, and schools for many years has enabled us to tweak and develop our recipes. Now, it's time to grow. With the support of some local businesses, be kind solutions offers consumers an opportunity to choose quality products that are made and work differently than any others on the market.

Our simple, effective soaps are SUPER CONCENTRATED.

--a little goes a long way--

For more information, read our testimonials, blog, and community projects pages.